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Infinite Ear scenography at Bergen Assembly 2016

With Council + Bergen Arkitekthøgskole


Opening September 1, 2016

Design for an exhibition examining Deaf knowledge and the transformation of modern hearing. Infinite Ear considers practices of un- or para-hearing entities, both biological and technical, that exceed, extend or modulate the modern conception of hearing. These investigations offer new insights into the traditional separation of the senses, and their boundaries, by revealing specific articulations within sensory ecosystems that imbricate more than the five senses. In oscillating between solitary to socials operation of the mind, these perspectives on hearing might draw different registers of selfhood, as well as heightened awareness of the sonic environment. By gathering these perspectives, Infinite Ear intends to create a space for an epistemological, artistic and political experimentation around hearing knowledges and abilities.


Special thanks Gregory Castera, Tarek Atoui, and Bergen Arkitekthøgskole.

Bergen Assembly

© 2015 Jeffrey Mansfield

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